Sunday, April 06, 2008


With the 08 season coming to a close, I thought I'd finally go through my pics and reminisce before this year's trip to BC became a distant memory. I had a hard time considering going out this year to Baldface but high heat from WHTCN Senior Mgmt helped me make the right decision.

Traveling to BC from Queens is quite a mission, so thanks to the DMC family for hosting me before & after the excursion up North to take the weight off all the travel . As with most trips, I always experience a certain uncomfortable level of anxiousness because of my recent travel history. Last year coming home was a complete mess but probably one of the best (or worst) stories was when I was flying home from a visiting trip to Cali.

I got to the airport with time to spare, waited for only a quick minute, got on the plane, felt the plane taxi into the staging position, and fell asleep with some medicated assistance only to wake up to the stewardess pilling my earphones off saying the flight was cancelled. Had to get off the plane mid-Xanax haze and try to negotiate a trip home. 6 hours later I was on a plane, fucked in the head ready to barf every couple minutes the ride home. Sweet.

We managed the SanClem to LAX to GEG with no stress although the guy next to was freaking out bec I wouldn't take the window seat. Bitch, if you are 6ft+ fucking plan ahead. I don't really give a shit about your Hoop Dreams. It was hype to get to GEG and re-connect with last years cast of characters.

Trooping to Nelson is always a craze experience as it removes you from you from any sense of reality. Trees start to get taller and more and more snow starts to accumulate on the ground. I was completely jumped in by Nature when we stopped briefly for a piss break and I fell knee deep into a snow bank and proceeded to shit stain my white T and sock as my boot stayed in the bank while I tried to get out. Welcome to the Wilderness, asshole. The border was a remarkable breeze and soon we were at base. Unlike last year when we had a night in Nelson, we stepped straight into the heli-prep video and into the chopper. It was hype to walk into the Lodge and share a Kokanee with the 08 crew incl Jags and Fats and Two Live Crew's Finest.