Today sparks the first heat wave of the summer. The temps are predicted to hover around the high 90s for the next few days. The scent of garbage juice and B.O. will start to permeate the air. This is when I really should have worked on that water-cooled shorts idea. Just like the racing shirts F1 drivers use; but for your poor balls during these brutal days. I'd hate to have to resort to buying some Marky Mark's but I think I might cause a forest fire from all the chafing.
But a hot day in the city is nice because everyone slows down a little bit- just like a day in the South. However, this weekend will be bananas with the influx of people in town for the Belmont Stakes Triple Crown & the Puerto Rican Day Parade. Cuhraze. Lock your doors! Just Kidding. But if you're a young blonde trying to cross the park- good luck.
I'm most excited for the annual Big Apple BBQ. More on that later.