Sunday, May 18, 2008

Give me an H.....

This game is probably not supposed to be entertaining, but you know what..fuck is.

What is it like 1987 again? Maybe it's just me but last time this seems like it was an issue here I was still watching Max Headroom and playing Legend of Zelda at Jay Hoskin's house.

Seems pretty simple...keep it safe, don't get HIV. If people don't get it by now, I don't know what to tell them. Then again, I guess you could still be at risk if you are completely fucking retarded, like this rocket scientist below. Click to read it. Like I fucking retard. And he is....a teacher. Right.

By the way, the guy at the top of the post...I don't know what gave him away more, his Little Known Fact or his Greatest Influence.

UPDATE: This guy wins it all. Check out the day he found out he was positive. Holy shit. How many people were probably like "Yeah Charles, that is really bad and all..but have you seen the news? You are so being like, so fucking selfish right now with your HIV."