Sunday, July 05, 2009

Feliz de Cinco de Julio.

Late post but it's been a rough couple of... well two days of craze. Started off with a great Fireworks Friday night NJ style in a field. Pretty Sweet. Lay out a towel and crack a cold one. Haven't seen fireworks that close since DMC lived in VT. A little premature but a great way to kick off the weekend plus the crowds & traffic Sat night would be rough everywhere.

Sat was an early one with a little business to take care of then straight to the second local town party which consisted of a bunch of inflatable castles and slides for the kids and a drunk tent for the adults hosted by the River Edge Knights of Columbus. It was straight out of a David Cross album skit with a line to get the tickets for beer then another line to get the beer without the "F**k Y** Fag**t" part. But the Knights running the beer service were partaking in the festivites, so beers were esentially free. Much to the dismay of my empty stomach and my poor head which was thumpin' after a few Bullets. So we went to wait in the other other line to get the tickets to wait in line for food. Burger and Dog please.

Here's me and Kayla trying to take a break from the festivities with some grilled goods and Italian Ices. Bummed I didn't think to take a pic of the children sized American Gladiator set-up. K knocked her friend out. Too funny.

And to top it off we showed off our American pride by going out for Mexican for dinner. I wasn't the hatin' though. This was a rebate to the place with the killer wings. By the time my grilled fish and rice platter came, we were all reaching for to-go containers. Chilled at the crib and watched "Quarantine". Decent story plot, but the Blair Witch/ Cloverfield first person filming was nauseating. Watchable if you have your laptop out..on your lap. Share a hot dog with a loved one today.