Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Beneath the Surface.

It's getting tougher & tougher trying to stay motivated these days, but there's always the classics to keep my head up. But if it wasn't for this I'd never be able to get on the train to go to work.


*edit: Big thanks to CRAILTAP for uploading a gem of a clip.

Hollywood High will remain as probably one of my top three favorite places to skate, next to the Bleeker Birdshit Banks and the Small BK Banks; and part of my favorite day of skating in my life. Thanks Lee, Will & Mike for the session. I can watch Carroll's part in the clip over and over and over. So impossible. The place is so slippery, your feet slide when you push. Dunno how he ripped that bs five-o tailslide. That f'n click clack tile sound is the best.